
their, them, theirs

Фразы со словом «их»

о них; их — of them
их смеси — their mixtures
позови их — call them
их дружба — there is only the name of friendship between them
положи их — put 'em down
за их счёт — at their expense
их провели — they were sold short
их род угас — their family line failed
выяснять их — figure them out
их двадцать — they are twenty in number
их двадцать — they are twenty
я — I'm holding my hand!

Примеры со словом «их»

Их гнев утих.
Their anger died.

Их Величества
Their Majesties

Это их газеты.
These newspapers are theirs.

Он полный псих.
He's a complete nutcase.

Я за.
I'm on for that.

Я сыт.
I am sated

Это он.
That's him.

Это она.
It's her.

Я готов.
I am ready.

Он пьян.
He's stiff.

Это они.
It's them.

Ваш ход.
It's your go.