3 246 амер. |ˈhəʊməʊnər|
брит. |ˈhəʊməʊnə|
Russian English
- домовладелец
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
The homeowner is claiming that local firefighters were dilatory in responding to the call.
Владелец дома утверждает, что местные пожарные отреагировали на вызов с опозданием.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
...one unsympathetic homeowner insisted that all homeless people are crazies...
...the real estate buzzards were really putting pressure on the one homeowner who was still refusing to sell...
...the homeowner filed a lawsuit against the moving company that was refusing to be held responsible for damaging her furniture...
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