Русско-английский словарь


враг — enemy, foe, adversary, opponent, hostile

вражда — enmity, feud, animosity, antagonism, bad blood

враждебно — with hostility, with animosity, with enmity

враждебность — hostility, animosity, enmity, animus, spite, ill blood

враждебный — hostile, enemy, inimical, antagonistic, adverse, opposed, rancorous

враждовать — feud, be at enmity, at enmity, at odds, be at odds

вражеский — hostile, enemy

вражий — enemy, hostile

враз — at once

вразбивку — at haphazard

вразброс — separately, scattered about

вразвалку — waddle

вразвалочку — waddling

вразнобой — separately

вразрез — contrary, at odds, in conflict

вразумительность — intelligibility

вразумительный — intelligible, comprehensible

вразумить — enlighten, bring to reason, make understand, instruct, make wise

вразумление — admonition, instruction

вразумлять — make listen to reason

враки — bull, bullshit

враль — fibber, inveterate liar, fibster, fiction-monger

вранье — lies, taradiddle, fudge, flam

врасплох — by surprise, unawares, at unawares, off guard

врассыпную — in all directions, every which way, helter-skelter

врастание — growing in, rooting, emboly, ingrowth

врастать — grow into, grow inwards

врасти — grow into, take root, settle, grow

врастяжку — flat

вратарь — goalkeeper, keeper, goalie, goalee

врать — fib, tell lies, say lies

врач — doctor, physician, medic, hakeem, Aesculapius, hakim, practitioner

врачебный — medical, iatric

врачеватель — Aesculapius

врачевать — salve

вращательный — rotary, rotating, rotatory, gyratory, rotative, vortical, rot, vorticose

вращать — rotate, revolve, roll, slew, rev, troll, slew round

вращаться — rotate, revolve, turn around, go round, pivot, circle, hinge, slew

вращение — rotation, turning, spin, revolution, roll, twirl, circumgyration

вред — harm, damage, injury, detriment, hurt, disservice, mischief, prejudice

вредитель — pest, fly

вредительство — wrecking, sabotage

вредить — harm, wrong, blast, blemish, make mischief, scathe

вредность — insalubrity, disutility, harmfulness, bitchiness

вредный — harmful, adverse, pernicious, detrimental, bad, deleterious, noxious

вредоносный — deleterious, maleficent, damnific

врезать — embed, cut in, imbed

врезаться — smash, burn into, telescope

врезка — incut, sidebar

временно — temporarily, temporally, transiently, pro tempora, provisionally

временной — temporal

временность — temporality, temporary

временный — temporary, temporal, interim, provisional, transient, transitory, acting

временщик — favourite, minion

время — time, period, when, day, date, season, tense, spell, tide, times

времяисчисление — calendar

времянка — patch, temporary barracks

времяпрепровождение — amusement, pastime, spend time

времяпровождение — pastime

вровень — level, nip and tuck

вроде — like, as a sort, as a kind, sort of, something in the nature of

врожденный — congenital, innate, inherent, inborn, natural, inbred, connatural

врозь — apart, separately, in two

вруб — kerf

врубать — cut in

врубаться — cut one's way

врубить — kerf

врукопашную — hand to hand

врун — liar

врунья — liar, fibber

вручать — hand, entrust, hand in, give in, intrust, handing

вручаться — awarded, cut one's way, cut in

вручение — delivery, presentation, serving, commitment, committal, handle

вручную — manually, by hand, handmade

врывать — dig in

врываться — break in, break into, erupt

врыться — dig oneself in

вряд — hardly, scarcely, scarce, less likely